Simone a Soif! #launch
Lemonade ? No, a hydrolade ! A new natural and local drink.

The Brief
How do you communicate when you are a young start-up bringing a new beverage on the Belgian market? How do you position yourself against big brands with big visibility? The importance is not only the beverage itself, but the philosophy behind.
Simone a Soif’s philosophy is to offer natural drinks that respect nature and humans by giving you maximum pleasure!
This 100% natural soft drink made in Belgium is the first hydrolade ever. Hydrolade because of its composition of water, plant vapours, freshly pressed fruit with no added sugars, all certified organic.
The philosophy of this slightly playful brand and the composition of their beverages, makes it easy to communicate outdoors.

What we did
Simone a Soif had a name and a strong personnality.
Our work was to empower their positioning.
We worked simultaneously on two axes:
The first one was to threat Simone as a real person.
What would she stand for? What would she like?
Or what kind of jokes would she laugh with?
The second one was to talk about their products and the unexpected flavour mixology: cucumber/mint, apple/geranium, strawberry/lemon balm and pear/everlasting.
A trade stand was created for their events for more visibilty together with a B2B flyer with a focus on an introduction of Simone a Soif to professionals! Concurrently, we let Simone express herself through different communication tools such as business card, business boxes and cars, to straws, paper towels and coasters!

The upcoming phase
The next step will be to expand their personality mainly through social media with new content on daily basis.
An interactive brand activation and PLV campaigns will follow this digital activation.

We worked with great designers!
Photographer: Victor Pattyn Food Designer: Axelle Minne